Own the Day!


Remember your wedding day? May 7th, 1994. What a perfect time that was!
From the morning anticipation, to the reciting of vows with your new spouse, to dinner with family and friends, and the honeymoon suite.
You have all the memories, all the pictures, and a celebration each year, but the day, it seems, is gone…until now!

Now you can Own the Day with Carpe Diem!

From now forward, you will own May 7th, 1994, exclusively!
You have all rights of ownership: pass it down to children, transfer it, sell it, donate it, or hold it forever!

Owning Space

From the beginning of commerce, people have claimed space, namely land, and sold it, to the point where effectively the entire globe is owned by different people. Rarely is the same family that originally claimed the land also the current owner. For example, when America was first discovered, several prominent nation state came to the continent and laid claim to large tracts of land. France ultimately sold a tract called Louisiana to the a new country called the United States. That parcel has been broken up into several states, owned by various individuals, entities and Governments, in parcels as small as several hundred square feet. The only way to acquire land now is to purchase it from the current owner. Ownership changes daily through sales, inheritance and gifting, and each transfer is recorded in a secure Government facility so the record is permanent and verified. The only reason land can be bought, sold and transferred is because there is a formal means for recording the description of the parcel, the owner, and the date it was acquired. Such records generally include the name of the previous owner and the price paid. By following the record of transactions, the entire history of ownership back to the first recorded transaction can be traced, in most cases quickly resolving any disutes.

Own the Day!

Einstein showed us that space and time are interchangeable, and time is a dimension just as length, width and height are. And yet, while every bit of space on earth has been carved up claimed or sold, the dimension of time has gone untapped - until now. Carpe Diem is now exclusively offering the ability to own any day in history, with a record of ownership stored permanently in the Etherium blockchain. Blockchain technology ensures that no record can be altered or tampered with, and no false prior claim can be established. Similar to Secretary of State land records, any individual can look up the blockchain deed for the day, and find who owns it and when the deed was filed. If the day is sold by the owner to another individual or institution, that transaction will be recorded, along with the date of execution, the new owner, price or value, and any other information the parties wish to include in the transaction. For example, in buying your anniversary, you may wish to record message to your spouse, a copy of your vows, who your best man was, or anything else making the day special. As with a Government Deed book, the entire history of initial and subsequent ownership of days is recorded and available for public scrutiny on the Blockchain. Even if you sell or transfer you day to someone else, your original information cannot be altered, deleted or destroyed - it is permanently a part of the recorded ownership history of that day.

Sell the Day!

While all of history is available, every day as far back as one cares to go, there is still a limited inventory. When dealing with recent history, such as days associated with anyone alive today, there are only about 100 year’s worth, 36,500 days. Now that you have May 7th, 1994, imagine how many others may desire that same day: for a wedding, a birthday, the passing of a loved one, the purchase of a first home. What is the day worth to them? What is your price to sell? Do you want to sell the whole day? Part of the day? A particular location? Carpe Diem will notify you of anyone wanting your day, and work with you to negotiate the terms: Complete, Partial (e.g. midnight to noon, in the state of Kansas), and price. The transaction will be executed by Carpe Diem, with the new Deed(s) of ownership recorded in the Blockchain. While your original record is unchanged, and you are still the original owner, the day now includes information about the new owner(s) and the special place it holds for them. If they buy the day in Kansas, then only they can sell that day in Kansas, while you still hold the day everywhere else. Anyone wanting the entire day in all areas would need to reach an agreement with both of you, just as a land developer might assemble multiple parcels for a large project. The combinations, possibile transactions and histories are endless,